About Us

Terra di Bargòn, the new endeavour we have just started, is the meeting point of two worlds. Roberto’s who  has been cultivating the vines with his brothers in Riomaggiore ever since his youth, and Alessandra’s who has been nitting networks to explore differences and to facilitate mutual understanding. Networks transversal to different cultures  as well as within those speaking the same tongue but not the same language

Terra di Bargòn is the life project of our 60s,  now fully licensed wine producers we want to continue to produce Sciacchetrà as Roberto has always done, introducing innovation within the legacy of local tradition, a cultural and political challenge.  We have tried to do this with  the design “language” adopted for the restructuring of the old family vinery in via Gramsci, with the “language” of the graphic design and with the content of the texts adopted.

The detailled description of the cycle of production,  is a way to make visible very hard work, which is also rich in knowledge: the legacy of the elderly, which Roberto has improved upon “on the ground” next to the other producers.






